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Image by Janke Laskowski



 I have been a Registered Nurse for 31 years; 28 of those years were in long term care.  I have seen the impact of unaddressed chronic disease. I changed my path in health care and became a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor 3 years ago and started my own practice.  God is my True North and I know each of us has a true north that we must follow for our lives, and this is why I named my business True North.  I know each of us are unique individuals that must follow our own path to health and healing. I approach every client I work with as the unique person they are.


Image by Debby Hudson


I started my climb up the healthcare ladder in pursuit of serving and helping others as a Certified Nurse’s Aide; and continued the climb until I became a Director of Clinical Services. I made this journey in hopes of being an instrument of change. However, when I reached the top of the ladder, I found it was leaning up against the wrong building.


I found that our health care had a huge missing component, but I had no idea what it was, or how to fix it. Tired, discouraged, and now facing health issues of my own — I started my descent back down the ladder.


Emergency Room visits and visits to my Medical Provider all left me with no solutions to my signs and symptoms and left me feeling scared and frustrated.


Having witnessed these same feelings in those I have cared for in my career as a Registered Nurse, I was now more determined than ever to find an approach that left us with more answers and resolution than questions and despair.


This is where functional nutrition counseling comes in; I fill the gap between you and your providers.  I take the time to listen to your entire story, dig deep into your health history and make the connections needed to make recommendations specific to you.  


I know that all things are connected, all things matter, and we are all unique!  

I applied this approach to my life.  I made the nutritional and lifestyle changes that supported my body to regain my health.



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